Please Vote Union Mill! Voting Ends Today at 5:00 p.m.

Posted by Cheryl Nichols | Monday, April 27, 2009 | , | 0 comments »

Our friend and fellow Caps fan, Jenn, is a teacher at Union Mill Elementary School in Fairfax County. She was able to get 900 elementary students together to form CAPital "C" to show everyone that they "Rock the Red!" Please vote to help her school win $1000!

BACKGROUND: The Capitals selected five schools in March, April and May to receive $500 grants. Those schools were be asked to submit a photo with a descriptive caption of their school “Rocking the Red” and showing their Caps spirit. Fans get to vote for the school they think has the most school spirit. The school that has the highest percentage of votes will receive an additional $1,000 grant from Washington Capitals Charities.

Individuals can vote as many times as they would like. Voting ends at 5 p.m. on Monday, April 27

Union Mill's photo is the 4th one on the
page. Click on each image to see a larger view and each school's Caps spirit!"